Show Up Better (8-Week Online Course)

Ross Kimball, actor/writer, public speaker and communication coach

Build strong, foundational skills

This 8-week online executive communications course is designed specifically for sales professionals who want to enhance their communication skills and increase their effectiveness in business interactions. Through a combination of theoretical frameworks, practical exercises, and weekly check-ins participants will develop the necessary skills to excel in various communication scenarios, including performance mindset, body language, voice utilization, quality conversations, active listening, and public performance. The course will provide a comprehensive foundation for participants to enhance their executive presence and successfully engage with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders.

What you’ll learn:

  • Develop a Performance Mindset: Understand the importance of mindset in sales and learn strategies to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset that enhances performance and drives success in communications.
  • Master Body Language: Gain awareness of non-verbal cues and learn techniques to effectively use body language to convey confidence, credibility, and rapport in sales interactions, both in person and in virtual settings.
  • Utilize Your Voice to Its Full Potential: Explore vocal techniques and exercises to enhance clarity, resonance, and persuasion in sales conversations, presentations, and negotiations, enabling participants to effectively engage and influence their audience.
  • Foster Quality Conversations: Learn strategies to initiate, facilitate, and sustain meaningful and impactful conversations with clients and colleagues, building trust, identifying needs, and developing mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Cultivate Active Listening Skills: Develop active listening skills to accurately interpret verbal and non-verbal cues, demonstrate empathy, and ask insightful questions, enabling sales professionals to better understand client needs and tailor their communication approach.
  • Enhance Public Performance: Acquire techniques to deliver compelling presentations, pitches, and speeches with confidence, poise, and impact, effectively conveying key messages and persuading audiences in various public speaking scenarios.

Throughout the course, participants will engage in interactive discussions, role-playing exercises, and practical assignments to apply the concepts and skills learned. They will also receive personalized feedback and guidance from experienced communication coaches to further enhance their executive communications abilities. By the end of the course, participants will have developed a strong foundation in executive communications and will be better equipped to succeed in sales environments through enhanced persuasive and influential communication.

Ready to sign up for Show Up Better?