1:1 Coaching

Ross Kimball, Executive Communication Skills Coach, Show Up Better

The ultimate training experience

Looking to elevate your communication skills to achieve remarkable results in both personal and professional spheres? One-to-One coaching with Ross is the answer. With personalized guidance and tailored strategies, this training empowers individuals to overcome communication challenges and unlock their full potential. Whether you have an important presentation, want to improve your conversational skills, struggle with overthinking, or feel nervous about public speaking engagements, 1:1 coaching will equip you with the tools and confidence to succeed.

What You Will Learn:

What you’ll learn:

  • Master the art of captivating presentations, captivating your audience from start to finish.
  • Develop effective conversational skills that foster meaningful connections and successful collaborations.
  • Overcome the burden of overthinking and embrace spontaneity in your communication.
  • Build confidence and ease when meeting new clients or engaging in professional networking.
  • Prepare and deliver impactful wedding toasts, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Have a Presentation Coming Up?

If you have an important presentation on the horizon and desire to deliver it with poise and impact, Ross Kimball’s One-to-One Coaching is tailored to meet your needs. You will learn how to structure your presentations, engage your audience through compelling storytelling, and utilize visual aids effectively. Ross’s personalized guidance will transform you into a confident and persuasive presenter, leaving a lasting impression on your listeners.

Want to Get More Comfortable in Conversations?

Through targeted exercises and practical techniques, you will develop active listening skills, learn the art of asking insightful questions, and cultivate empathy and understanding. Ross Kimball will guide you in fostering authentic and engaging conversations that leave a lasting impact on both personal and professional relationships.

Tired of Overthinking Every Word You Say When Meeting a New Client?

If the pressure of meeting new clients and making a strong impression leaves you feeling overwhelmed and mentally exhausted, Ross Kimball’s One-to-One Coaching can help you overcome these challenges. You will gain strategies to calm your mind, trust your instincts, and embrace authenticity in your client interactions. Ross Kimball’s guidance will empower you to build rapport effortlessly and create a lasting positive impression.

Nervous About That Toast You’re Giving at the Wedding Next Month?

If the thought of delivering a wedding toast fills you with nerves and anxiety, Ross Kimball’s One-to-One Coaching is here to support you. With Ross Kimball’s expert guidance, you will learn the art of crafting memorable and heartfelt toasts. You will develop techniques to calm your nerves, project confidence, and deliver a toast that touches the hearts of the couple and guests, creating a cherished memory for all.

Don’t let communication challenges hold you back from achieving your goals. Take the first step towards unlocking your communication potential with Ross Kimball’s One-to-One Coaching. Gain the skills, confidence, and strategies to excel in presentations, conversations, client meetings, and public speaking engagements. Invest in your personal and professional growth today.

Adam Pennington

I have had the privilege of watching and learning from Ross for years. His coaching is the real deal for anyone wanting to level up and truly show up better. When I met Ross, I was not confident in communicating nor simply presenting, fearful of outcomes. Ross encouraged me with tools and strategies to follow that fear, resulting in tremendous growth in how to communicate and present myself. It is incredible, I now genuinely enjoy communicating. I highly recommend Ross, grateful for him and how he brings out the best.

Adam Pennington EVP of Real Estate & Business Development
Xponential Fitness