About Ross Kimball

Jury Duty with Ross Kimball

With over 15 years of professional on-camera and stage experience, Ross has honed his expertise in delivering captivating performances and connecting with audiences of all sizes.  

As an accomplished stage, television and motion picture actor/writer, appearing in movies like MastermindsMascots, and TV shows like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and the 4-time Emmy-nominated series Jury Duty. He knows first-hand how to overcome stage fright and how to use the pillars of  improv to connect with audiences of any size.

As a keynote speaker and executive communications coach, Ross leverages his extensive entertainment background to help high-performing individuals. He understands the intricacies of performing under pressure and harnessing the power of effective communication to deliver impactful messages.

My coaching philosophy centers around authenticity…

…effective communication extends beyond mere words, encompassing body language, vocal delivery, and emotional intelligence.

With Ross as your guide, you will gain invaluable insights and techniques to command attention, articulate ideas with confidence, and leave a lasting impression to anyone in earshot. 

Ross believes in a personalized approach, tailoring his coaching sessions to meet your unique needs and goals.

His coaching philosophy centers around authenticity and connecting with others on a deep level. He understands that effective communication extends beyond mere words, encompassing body language, vocal delivery, and emotional intelligence. By mastering these elements, you will project confidence, credibility, and influence in every interaction.

Ross Kimball with Own Wilson and Kristen Wiig in Masterminds

Whether you’re seeking to improve your public speaking skills, enhance your executive presence, or boost your sales communication techniques, Ross Kimball is your trusted partner on this transformative journey. With his guidance, you will unlock your full potential and captivate audiences like never before.

Don’t miss the opportunity to work with an Emmy-nominated actor and communications expert who knows firsthand what it takes to thrive as a communicator.